1:1 Marketing Magic Sessions

Ready to step into the spotlight and land your dream clients?

Do you wake up each morning desperate to watch every marketing 101 tutorial out there, mimic everyone else’s brand strategies (making you feel even more confused and overwhelmed), and/or constantly tweak your FB ads?

Or perhaps you religiously email your list every Wednesday at 8 am sharp, like clockwork, only to hear the relentless chirp of crickets in the hours and days that follow?

Marketing strategist

You feel like you’re doing all the right things—a little bit of everything, in fact—but not seeing the results you crave.

You’re so excited to share your business with everyone but are confused about why your dream clients insist on playing hide and seek.

You feel like you’re all over the place, launching so many marketing tactics (many of which you honestly don’t even care about and lose track of).

You feel unfocused. After all, you want to grow your business…not your to-do list!

You already feel burnt out, with a nagging fear deep down inside.

What if none of this works out?

What if nobody cares about my business?

What if I’m not qualified or experienced enough? (Hello impostor syndrome.)

You know there’s something missing. I get it. You’re so confused, tired, and frustrated.

Marketing is such an emotional thing, and your business is so much more than your bread and butter.

You’re not alone. It’s time to chat. 

The truth is that people are looking for you and need your help. It’s up to you to gain visibility and land at the feet of your dream clients.

All you need is a little push forward in the right direction.

This is my specialty. From my very first client, who went from being overwhelmed by online marketing to booking 5 podcasts and becoming a thought leader in her field, I’ve been helping entrepreneurs like you stop spinning their wheels and get real forward momentum.

I can help you find the missing piece of the puzzle so you can relieve all the unnecessary pressure, break free from your “do everything” handcuffs, and step into the spotlight!

Imagine feeling more like yourself online and offline and more aligned with your business while you build an unignorable, unmistakable, and cohesive brand.

You get:
  • paid to do what you love,
  • booked up months in advance,
  • a dream audience that’s obsessed with you.

You can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

You get back hours and hours of your time and stop obsessing over the teeniest mistakes. You focus on the big picture and stop hiding as you open up to new possibilities.

It’s truly so much easier than you may think. Let me show you!

“​​ I wholeheartedly recommend Julie's marketing expertise to any individual or business seeking to amplify their brand presence and impact!”

"Julie Zhu is a visionary marketing strategist with a talent for creative brand building that drives real results. When I needed expert help on amplifying my own personal brand presence, Julie was the perfect consultant for the job. Working together, Julie developed a comprehensive strategy to elevate my personal brand leveraging LinkedIn and speaking engagements. Her innovative approach repositioned me as a thought leader for entrepreneurs and executives.

Julie's strategic content resonated, growing my LinkedIn following to over 32,000 and launching a newsletter with 3,000 engaged subscribers. Her data-driven methods analyzed the metrics that mattered, earning me LinkedIn's Top Thought Leadership Voice recognition and increasing revenue by 30% through my programs.

Beyond the numbers, Julie's creative vision transformed my profile into a powerful marketing asset, leading to speaking engagements at prestigious institutions like Harvard, Stanford, PBS TV and major industry conferences. I wholeheartedly recommend Julie's marketing expertise to any individual or business seeking to amplify their brand presence and impact.”

-Saleema Vellani
Award-WINNING Author, Founder, TEDX SPEAKER

“​​ I wholeheartedly recommend Julie's marketing expertise to any individual or business seeking to amplify their brand presence and impact!”

"Working with Julie on marketing helped me grow my business tremendously. When I met with Julie, she very quickly understood my business and my needs. She made me feel heard right away and created a personalized plan for me. I was very impressed since my business is pretty unique. Julie was able to grasp the type of content I should be creating and how to best get through to my audience.

Julie also created a plan for me to gain more speaking engagements and podcast interviews. Her plan included expanding my market reach and engaging existing clients to have repeat sessions.

Since working with Julie, my followers on Instagram doubled, I’ve been asked to appear on 8 podcasts & IG lives, I’ve had articles written about me on Popsugar, and my calendar is usually booked at 85%-100% capacity each week.

I highly recommend working with Julie. She is excellent at providing the tools for success that I can reuse indefinitely to continue growing my business. I would definitely work with her again as I continue to look at new ways to expand."

-Elena C.

“​​Working with Julie on marketing helped me grow my business tremendously."



Deep dive into all of your past marketing activities​​—the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between. You’ll gain crystal clear clarity on what matters most so you can square your focus on priorities that will actually make a difference for your biz while decluttering everything else (say goodbye to those never-ending lists!)

In working together, we’ll figure out what’s holding you back so you can hone in on your big goals with a proven plan to follow along the way!


We’ll examine your big vision and your dream list for your biz + life and set strategic and S.M.A.R.T marketing goals for the next 90 days.


Unearth your unique value proposition, your story/voice, what lights you up, and what gets your creative juices flowing so you can play to your strengths—whether you’re a charismatic speaker or perhaps a prolific writer (marketing usually works best when it’s 100% aligned with who you’re as a human).

Make an appointment NOW!


Co-create a plan of action to grow your confidence as you step into your stardom and build a bold online presence EVEN IF you’re a new business owner. 


Nail down an unforgettable messaging that sets you apart from the rest of the field and keeps you top-of-mind among your dream audience. And yes… you’ll figure out both how to be found and where to find them.

Your package includes:

  • Three (3) 1:1 60-minute coaching calls with me
  • A personalized 90-day marketing plan + checklist
  • 12 weeks of strategy sessions, actionable feedback, and accountability so you always know you’re on the right track to STAND OUT in the crowd and connect with your audience